Verification of Six Personality Factors

ous items, rather than to analyze single items (Comrey, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1966; Comrey and Schlesinger, 1962). Items have been developed to fit a certain homogeneous item pool, but have been required to exhibit a statistical as well as a logical belonging before being actually assigned to that item group. On the basis of these previous findings, six major personality factors were selected for further study. Six factored homogeneous item dimensions (FHIDs) were chosen to represent each hypothesized factor. Each FHID, in turn, consisted of six items intended to be relatively homogeneous in content. Most of the FHIDs selected for a given factor had been good marker variables for that factor in previous analyses; some were newly developed for this study. The major purpose of the present investigation was to determine whether the postulated six-factor personality structure would