Improving fuel statistics for Danish aviation
In Denmark there is a growing need for consistent aviation fuel use statistics in order to meet specificrequirements from different statistical bodies, to support emission inventories asked for byinternational conventions and for environmental monitoring work according to national target plans. Inthe Danish energy statistics fuel used by flights from Denmark to Greenland and the Faroe Islands arereported as international fuel use, while the United Nations Framework Convention on ClimateChanges (UNFCCC) prescribe this fuel use to be reported as a part of the Danish domestic fuel usetogether with the fuel used in Greenland and the Faroe Islands for domestic flying.This project aim to 1) develop a method to divide total aviation fuel sold in Denmark into domesticand international numbers from 1985 to 2000, and 2) to estimate the fuel used by flights fromDenmark to Greenland and the Faroe Islands, respectively and domestic flights inside Greenland andthe Faroe Islands, and 3) to develop a method which allocates domestic and international fuel use intofigures for passenger and cargo. Both methods under 1) and 2) should be used in the future to ensureconsistent fuel use statistics.