Optimization and related topics
Preface. Part I: Numerical methods and applications. 1. An approach to constructing generalized penalty functions M. Andramonov. 2. An exact method for solving the subproblem of the cutting angle method of global optimization D.A. Babayev. 3. On modeling risk in Markov decision processes S. Levitt, A. Ben-Israel. 4. Multiplicative programming and beyond via C-programming L. Churilov, M. Sniedovich. 5. Computing optimal control on matlab - the SCOM package and economic growth models B.D. Craven, S.M.N. Islam. 6. Stochastic optimal control of a solar car J. Boland, et al. 7. On optimal algorithms in emergent computation V. Korotkich. 8. Optimal estimation of signal parameters using bilinear observations P.M. Pardalos, et al. 9. On an extremal problem arising in queueing theory and telecommunications M. Peake, C.E.M. Pearce. 10. Level functions of some optimal value functions H. Xu. 11. Regularized gap functions and D-gap functions for nonsmooth variational inequalities H. Xu. Part II: Theory of optimization and related topics. 12. Convex spectral functions of compact operators, Part II: lower semicontinuity and rearrangement invariance J.M. Borwein, et al. 13. Some inequalities for Riemann-Stieltjes integral and applications S.S. Dragomir. 14. Prox-regularity and subjets A. Eberhard. 15. Concerning differentiability properties of locally Lipschitz functions J.R.Giles, S. Sciffer. 16. Laurent series for the inversion of perturbed linear operators on Hilbert space Ph. Howlett, K. Avrachenkov. 17. The extremal principle and its applications to optimization and economics B.S. Mordukhovich. 18. Generic convergence of infinite products of nonexpansive mappings in Banach and hyperbolic spaces S. Reich, A.J. Zaslavski. 19. Recession cones of star-shaped and co-star-shaped sets A.P. Shveidel. 20. Does continuity of convex-valued maps survive under intersection? A. Vladimirov. 21. Existence and structure of solutions of optimal control problems A.J. Zaslavski. References.