A comprehensive bibliography of distributed shared memory

Shared memory is an attractive programming model for designing parallel and distributed applications. In the past decade, a popular research topic has been the design of systems to provide the shared memory abstraction on physically distributed memory machines. This abstraction is commonly known as Distributed Shared Memory (DSM). DSM has been implemented both in software (e.g., to provide the shared memory programming model on networks of workstations) and in hardware (e.g., using cache consistency protocols to support shared memory across physically distributed main memories). This bibliography identifies the results of research on DSM and related topics.

[1]  Henri E. Bal,et al.  Orca: a language for distributed programming , 1990, SIGP.

[2]  M. C. Tam,et al.  CapNet-an approach to ultra high speed network , 1990, IEEE International Conference on Communications, Including Supercomm Technical Sessions.

[3]  Wolfgang K. Giloi,et al.  A Distributed Implementation of Shared Virtual Memory with Strong and Weak Coherence , 1991, EDMCC.

[4]  James R. Larus,et al.  CICO: A Practical Shared-Memory Programming Performance Model , 1994 .

[5]  T. Anthony Marsland,et al.  Shared memory computing on SP2: JIAJIA approach , 1998 .

[6]  Frans Henskens,et al.  Coarse and fine grain objects in a distributed persistent store , 1993, Proceedings Third International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems.

[7]  Richard P. LaRowe,et al.  Hiding Shared Memory Reference Latency on the Galactica Net Distributed Shared Memory Architecture , 1992, J. Parallel Distributed Comput..

[8]  Kihong Park,et al.  Using Warp to control network contention in Mermera , 1994, 1994 Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

[9]  Michael J. Fischer,et al.  The architecture of the Eden system , 1981, SOSP.

[10]  Michael Gerndt,et al.  A Comparison of Shared Virtual Memory and Message Passing Programming Techniques Based on a Finite Element Application , 1994, CONPAR.

[11]  Michael L. Scott,et al.  High Performance Software Coherence for Current and Future Architectures , 1995, J. Parallel Distributed Comput..

[12]  Frans Henskens Addressing moved modules in a capability-based distributed shared memory , 1992, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

[13]  Roy Friedman,et al.  MILLIPEDE: Easy Parallel Programming in Available Distributed Environments , 1997, Softw. Pract. Exp..

[14]  J. Zahorjan,et al.  Introducing memory into the switch elements of multiprocessor interconnection networks , 1989, ISCA '89.

[15]  Rasool Jalili,et al.  Operating system support for object dependencies in persistent object stores , 1994, Proceedings of Words '94. The First Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems.

[16]  Anant Agarwal,et al.  Integrating message-passing and shared-memory: early experience , 1993, PPOPP '93.

[17]  Gregory R. Andrews,et al.  Distributed filaments: efficient fine-grain parallelism on a cluster of workstations , 1994, OSDI '94.

[18]  Maurice Herlihy,et al.  Linearizability: a correctness condition for concurrent objects , 1990, TOPL.

[19]  Henri E. Bal,et al.  Orca: A Language For Parallel Programming of Distributed Systems , 1992, IEEE Trans. Software Eng..

[20]  Richard J. LeBlanc,et al.  Event ordering in a shared memory distributed system , 1993, [1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[21]  Meichun Hsu,et al.  Token transactions: managing fine-grained migration of data , 1990, PODS.

[22]  Miguel Castro,et al.  Distributed shared object memory , 1993, Proceedings of IEEE 4th Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems. WWOS-III.

[23]  Timothy Mark Pinkston,et al.  The SPEED cache coherence protocol for an optical multi-access interconnect architecture , 1995, Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections.

[24]  David L. Black,et al.  The duality of memory and communication in the implementation of a multiprocessor operating system , 1987, SOSP '87.

[25]  Sarita V. Adve,et al.  Designing memory consistency models for shared-memory multiprocessors , 1993 .

[26]  Håkan Grahn,et al.  Efficient strategies for software-only protocols in shared-memory multiprocessors , 1995, ISCA.

[27]  Himanshu Sinha,et al.  An Implementation of Mermera: A Shared Memory System that Mixes Coherence with Non-coherence , 1993 .

[28]  Andrew P. Black,et al.  Fine-grained mobility in the Emerald system , 1987, TOCS.

[29]  Virginia Mary Lo,et al.  Operating Systems Enhancements for Distributed Shared Memory , 1994, Adv. Comput..

[30]  D. R. Cheriton,et al.  Multi-level shared caching techniques for scalability in VMP-M/C , 1989, ISCA '89.

[31]  Jeffrey S. Chase,et al.  The Amber system: parallel programming on a network of multiprocessors , 1989, SOSP '89.

[32]  Anoop Gupta,et al.  The Stanford FLASH Multiprocessor , 1994, ISCA.

[33]  Jerry Vochteloo,et al.  Capability-Based Protection in a Persistent Global Virtual Memory System , 1993 .

[34]  David R. Cheriton,et al.  Preliminary thoughts on problem-oriented shared memory: a decentralized approach to distributed systems , 1985, OPSR.

[35]  Matthew Haines,et al.  Task Management, Virtual Shared Memory, and Multithreading in a Distributed Memory Implementation of Sisal , 1993, PARLE.

[36]  Rasool Jalili,et al.  Hardware Support for Stability in a Persistent Architecture , 1994, POS.

[37]  Alessandro Forin,et al.  Multilanguage Parallel Programming of Heterogeneous Machines , 1988, IEEE Trans. Computers.

[38]  M. Rawdon,et al.  Evaluation tools for distributed shared memory , 1991, IEEE Proceedings of the SOUTHEASTCON '91.

[39]  Lothar Borrmann,et al.  Store Coherency in a Parallel Distributed-Memory Machine , 1991, EDMCC.

[40]  Philip Bitar,et al.  The Weakest Memory-Access Order , 1992, J. Parallel Distributed Comput..

[41]  Alessandro Forin,et al.  Design, implementation, and performance evaluation of a distributed shared memory server for Mach , 1988 .

[42]  Ronald G. Minnich METHER: a memory system for network multiprocessors , 1991 .

[43]  Anant Agarwal,et al.  APRIL: a processor architecture for multiprocessing , 1990, ISCA '90.


[45]  Alan L. Cox,et al.  Lazy release consistency for software distributed shared memory , 1992, ISCA '92.

[46]  Karin Petersen Operating system support for modern memory hierarchies , 1993 .

[47]  Henri E. Bal,et al.  Programming a distributed system using shared objects , 1993, [1993] Proceedings The 2nd International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing.

[48]  Manhoi Choy,et al.  Maya: a simulation platform for distributed shared memories , 1994, PADS '94.

[49]  Kun-Lung Wu,et al.  Recoverable Distributed Shared Virtual Memory , 1990, IEEE Trans. Computers.

[50]  Mamoru Maekawa,et al.  Flexible User-Definable Memory Coherence Scheme in Distributed Shared Memory of GALAXY , 1991, EDMCC.

[51]  Steven Fortune,et al.  Parallelism in random access machines , 1978, STOC.

[52]  Kai Li,et al.  Shared virtual memory on loosely coupled multiprocessors , 1986 .

[53]  Kai Li,et al.  An evaluation of multiprocessor cache coherence based on virtual memory support , 1994, Proceedings of 8th International Parallel Processing Symposium.

[54]  Ricardo Bianchini,et al.  Lazy release consistency for hardware-coherent multiprocessors , 1995 .

[55]  Mats Brorsson,et al.  Local vs. global memory in the IBM RP3: experiments and performance modelling , 1991, Proceedings of the Third IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing.

[56]  Brian N. Bershad,et al.  Software write detection for a distributed shared memory , 1994, OSDI '94.

[57]  Henri E. Bal The shared data-object model as a paradigm for programming distributed systems , 1989 .

[58]  Tzi-cker Chiueh,et al.  A compiler-directed distributed shared memory system , 1995, ICS '95.

[59]  Michel Raynal,et al.  Communication efficient distributed shared memories , 1992 .

[60]  Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat,et al.  Vote for peace: implementation and performance of a parallel operating system , 1997, IEEE Concurrency.

[61]  Rasool Jalili,et al.  Using directed graphs to describe entity dependency in stable distributed persistent stores , 1995, Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

[62]  Seif Haridi,et al.  Data Diffusion Machine - A Scalable Shared Virtual Memory Multiprocessor , 1988, FGCS.

[63]  John L. Hennessy,et al.  Evaluating the memory overhead required for COMA architectures , 1994, ISCA '94.

[64]  Robert J. Fowler,et al.  Adaptive cache coherency for detecting migratory shared data , 1993, ISCA '93.

[65]  James R. Larus,et al.  Tempest and typhoon: user-level shared memory , 1994, ISCA '94.

[66]  Brett D. Fleisch,et al.  Mirage: a coherent distributed shared memory design , 1989, SOSP '89.

[67]  Abhiram G. Ranade,et al.  How to emulate shared memory (Preliminary Version) , 1987, FOCS.

[68]  John B. Carter,et al.  Efficient distributed shared memory based on multi-protocol release consistency , 1995 .

[69]  Mosur Ravishankar,et al.  Programming the PLUS Distributed-Memory System , 1990, Proceedings of the Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conference, 1990..

[70]  Francois Armand,et al.  A distributed consistency server for the CHORUS system , 1992 .

[71]  Bill Nitzberg,et al.  Distributed shared memory: a survey of issues and algorithms , 1991, Computer.

[72]  Sandhya Dwarkadas,et al.  Willow: a scalable shared memory multiprocessor , 1992, Proceedings Supercomputing '92.

[73]  Anant Agarwal,et al.  LimitLESS directories: A scalable cache coherence scheme , 1991, ASPLOS IV.

[74]  Rodger Lea,et al.  A model for persistent shared memory addressing in distributed systems , 1992, [1992] Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems.

[75]  Roy H. Campbell,et al.  Distributed virtual memory consistency protocols: design and performance , 1990, IEEE Workshop on Experimental Distributed Systems.

[76]  Jim Griffioen,et al.  A New Design for Distributed Systems: The Remote Memory Model , 1990, USENIX Summer.

[77]  George K. Papakonstantinou,et al.  Orchid: the design of a parallel and portable software platform for local area networks , 1995, Proceedings 1st International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing.

[78]  Anant Agarwal,et al.  Evaluating the performance of software cache coherence , 1989, ASPLOS 1989.

[79]  Ray Bryant,et al.  Supporting Structured Shared Virtual Memory Under Mach , 1991, USENIX MACH Symposium.

[80]  David J. Lilja,et al.  Improving Memory Utilization in Cache Coherence Directories , 1993, IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst..

[81]  Frans Henskens,et al.  Stability in a Network of MONADS-PC Computers , 1990, Security and Persistence.

[82]  James R. Larus,et al.  Application-specific protocols for user-level shared memory , 1994, Proceedings of Supercomputing '94.

[83]  Willy Zwaenepoel,et al.  Techniques for reducing consistency-related communication in distributed shared-memory systems , 1995, TOCS.

[84]  Zvi M. Kedem,et al.  Supporting a flexible parallel programming model on a network of workstations , 1996, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[85]  Masaaki Mizuno,et al.  A sequentially consistent distributed shared memory , 1993, Proceedings of ICCI'93: 5th International Conference on Computing and Information.

[86]  A. Jinzaki A fast distributed shared virtual memory system: NET-VMS , 1993 .

[87]  Richard Noah Zucker,et al.  Relaxed consistency and synchronization in parallel processors , 1992 .

[88]  Stephan Murer,et al.  A Scalable Distributed Shared Memory , 1992, CONPAR.

[89]  Andrew P. Black,et al.  The Eden System: A Technical Review , 1985, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

[90]  Michel Dubois,et al.  Delayed consistency and its effects on the miss rate of parallel programs , 1991, Proceedings of the 1991 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (Supercomputing '91).

[91]  Jean-Loup Baer,et al.  A performance study of memory consistency models , 1992, ISCA '92.

[92]  Brett D. Fleisch,et al.  A memory approach to consistent, reliable distributed shared memory , 1995, Proceedings 5th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-V).

[93]  Daniel E. Lenoski,et al.  Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessing , 1995 .

[94]  Stein Gjessing,et al.  Distributed-directory scheme: scalable coherent interface , 1990, Computer.

[95]  Hermann Hellwagner,et al.  On the Practical Efficiency of Randomized Shared Memory , 1992, CONPAR.

[96]  W. Kent Fuchs,et al.  Ensuring Correct Rollback Recovery in Distributed Shared Memory Systems , 1995, J. Parallel Distributed Comput..

[97]  Anna R. Karlin,et al.  Implementing global memory management in a workstation cluster , 1995, SOSP.

[98]  George Coulouris,et al.  Distributed systems - concepts and design , 1988 .

[99]  Umakishore Ramachandran,et al.  An implementation of distributed shared memory , 1991, Softw. Pract. Exp..

[100]  Laurent Pautet,et al.  A distributed shared virtual memory for Ada 83 and Ada 9X applications , 1993, TRI-Ada '93.

[101]  Umakishore Ramachandran,et al.  Coherence of Distributed Shared Memory: Unifying Synchronization and Data Transfer , 1989, International Conference on Parallel Processing.

[102]  Mats Brorsson,et al.  An adaptive cache coherence protocol optimized for migratory sharing , 1993, ISCA '93.

[103]  Hagit Attiya,et al.  Sequential consistency versus linearizability , 1994, TOCS.

[104]  Kai Li,et al.  Heterogeneous Distributed Shared Memory , 1992, IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst..

[105]  M. L. Blount,et al.  DSVM6K: distributed shared virtual memory on the RISC System/6000 , 1993, Digest of Papers. Compcon Spring.

[106]  G.M. Parulkar,et al.  Axon network virtual storage for high performance distributed applications , 1990, Proceedings.,10th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[107]  Jie Wu,et al.  Dynamic snooping in a fault-tolerant distributed shared memory , 1994, 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[108]  Alvaro E. Campos Distributed, garbage-collected, persistent, virtual address spaces , 1993 .

[109]  Phillip B. Gibbons A more practical PRAM model , 1989, SPAA '89.

[110]  Kwan Woo Ryu,et al.  The block distributed memory model for shared memory multiprocessors , 1994, Proceedings of 8th International Parallel Processing Symposium.

[111]  Meichun Hsu,et al.  Update propagation in distributed memory hierarchy , 1990, [1990] Proceedings. Sixth International Conference on Data Engineering.

[112]  Takashi Matsumoto,et al.  Efficient implementation of software release consistency on asymmetric distributed shared memory , 1997, Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN'97).

[113]  John B. Carter,et al.  An argument for simple COMA , 1995, Future Gener. Comput. Syst..

[114]  Douglas Comer,et al.  Efficient order-dependent communication in a distributed virtual memory environment , 1992 .

[115]  K. Ravindran,et al.  Causal broadcasting and consistency of distributed shared data , 1994, 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[116]  W. Kent Fuchs,et al.  Reduced overhead logging for rollback recovery in distributed shared memory , 1995, Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing. Digest of Papers.

[117]  W. Kent Fuchs,et al.  Reducing interprocessor dependence in recoverable distributed shared memory , 1994, Proceedings of IEEE 13th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems.

[118]  James Cownie,et al.  Shared virtual memory on transputers via the data diffusion machine , 1990 .

[119]  Richard P. LaRowe,et al.  Hardware assist for distributed shared memory , 1993, [1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[120]  Jonathan M. Smith,et al.  A taxonomy-based comparison of several distributed shared memory systems , 1990, OPSR.

[121]  Per Stenström,et al.  A compiler algorithm that reduces read latency in ownership-based cache coherence protocols , 1995, International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques.

[122]  Harjinder S. Sandhu,et al.  The shared regions approach to software cache coherence on multiprocessors , 1993, PPOPP '93.

[123]  Ajay Mohindra,et al.  An Evaluation of State Sharing Techniques in Distributed Operating Systems , 1993 .

[124]  Brian N. Bershad,et al.  Practical considerations for non-blocking concurrent objects , 1993, [1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[125]  Kourosh Gharachorloo,et al.  Proving sequential consistency of high-performance shared memories (extended abstract) , 1991, SPAA '91.

[126]  David L. Cohn,et al.  Workstation cooperation through a typed distributed shared memory abstraction , 1992, [1992] Proceedings Third Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems.

[127]  J. William Lee,et al.  Concord: re-thinking the division of labor in a distributed shared memory system , 1994, Proceedings of IEEE Scalable High Performance Computing Conference.

[128]  Yehuda Afek,et al.  Lazy caching , 1993, TOPL.

[129]  Gerald J. Popek,et al.  Distributed shared memory in a loosely-coupled environment , 1989 .

[130]  Kun-Lung Wu,et al.  Recoverable distributed shared virtual memory: memory coherence and storage structures , 1989, [1989] The Nineteenth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing. Digest of Papers.

[131]  Erik Hagersten,et al.  DDM - A Cache-Only Memory Architecture , 1992, Computer.

[132]  William P. Delaney,et al.  Unifying Kernel-level and Language-level Approaches to Distributed Shared Data , 1989 .

[133]  Gary Scott Delp The architecture and implementation of MEMNET: a high--speed shared-memory computer communication network , 1988 .

[134]  Ronald Pose Capability based, tightly coupled multiprocessor hardware to support a persistent global virtual memory , 1989, [1989] Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Volume II: Software Track.

[135]  Henri E. Bal Programming distributed systems , 1990 .

[136]  Laxmi N. Bhuyan,et al.  Efficient and scalable cache coherence schemes for shared memory hypercube multiprocessors , 1994, Proceedings of Supercomputing '94.

[137]  Miguel Castro,et al.  The DiSOM distributed shared object memory , 1994, EW 6.

[138]  Michel Dubois,et al.  Memory Access Dependencies in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors , 1990, IEEE Trans. Software Eng..

[139]  Marc Shapiro A binding protocol for distributed shared objects , 1994, 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[140]  Rachid Guerraoui,et al.  The GARF library of DSM consistency models , 1994, EW 6.

[141]  Jonathan M. Smith,et al.  Traffic Characteristics of a Distributed Memory System , 1991, Comput. Networks ISDN Syst..

[142]  Michel Raynal,et al.  Sequential Consistency in Distributed Systems : Theory and Implementation , 1995 .

[143]  Divyakant Agrawal,et al.  Type-specific coherence protocols for distributed shared memory , 1992, [1992] Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[144]  Paul J. Leach,et al.  The Architecture of an Integrated Local Network , 1983, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun..

[145]  J. Sandberg Design of the PRAM network , 1990, Proceedings of the Second IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing 1990.

[146]  Leslie Lamport,et al.  How to Make a Multiprocessor Computer That Correctly Executes Multiprocess Programs , 2016, IEEE Transactions on Computers.

[147]  Anne-Marie Kermarrec,et al.  A recoverable distributed shared memory integrating coherence and recoverability , 1995, Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing. Digest of Papers.

[148]  Jj Org Cordsen Basing Virtually Shared Memoryon aFamily of Consistency ModelsJ , 1994 .

[149]  Robert J. Fowler,et al.  The implementation of a coherent memory abstraction on a NUMA multiprocessor: experiences with platinum , 1989, SOSP '89.

[150]  James R. Larus,et al.  Mechanisms for cooperative shared memory , 1993, ISCA '93.

[151]  Willy Zwaenepoel,et al.  Munin: Distributed Shared Memory Using Multi-Protocol Release Consistency , 1991, Operating Systems of the 90s and Beyond.

[152]  Alexander V. Veidenbaum,et al.  A cache coherence scheme with fast selective invalidation , 1988, ISCA '88.

[153]  P. Dasgupta,et al.  Implementing consistency control mechanisms in the Clouds distributed operating system , 1991, [1991] Proceedings. 11th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[154]  Michael L. Scott,et al.  Distributed Shared Memory for New Generation Networks , 1995 .

[155]  Erik Hagersten,et al.  Simulating the Data Diffusion Machine , 1993, PARLE.

[156]  Umakishore Ramachandran,et al.  Programming with distributed shared memory , 1989, [1989] Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference.

[157]  Andrew S. Tanenbaum,et al.  Distributed operating systems , 2009, CSUR.

[158]  Willy Zwaenepoel,et al.  Munin: distributed shared memory based on type-specific memory coherence , 1990, PPOPP '90.

[159]  Himanshu Sinha,et al.  An overview of Mermera: a system and formalism for non-coherent distributed parallel memory , 1993, [1993] Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

[160]  Alan L. Cox,et al.  An integrated compile-time/run-time software distributed shared memory system , 1996, ASPLOS VII.

[161]  Anant Agarwal,et al.  Software-extended coherent shared memory: performance and cost , 1994, ISCA '94.

[162]  Thierry Le Sergent,et al.  Incremental Multi-threaded Garbage Collection on Virtual Shared Memory Architectures , 1992, IWMM.

[163]  Henri E. Bal,et al.  The nested object model , 1994, EW 6.

[164]  Anoop Gupta,et al.  The performance impact of flexibility in the Stanford FLASH multiprocessor , 1994, ASPLOS VI.

[165]  Mustaque Ahamad,et al.  Causal Memory: Implementation, Programming Support and Experiences , 1993 .

[166]  Willy Zwaenepoel,et al.  Implementation and performance of Munin , 1991, SOSP '91.

[167]  Karin Vosseberg,et al.  Security in a Persistent Distributed Operating System , 1992, ARCS.

[168]  Stefan Lüpke Accelerated Access to Shared Distributed Arrays on Distribued Memory Systems by Access Objects , 1994, CONPAR.

[169]  H. Grahn,et al.  Efficient strategies for software-only directory protocols in shared-memory multiprocessors , 1995, Proceedings 22nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture.

[170]  Henri E. Bal,et al.  A Distributed Implementation of the Shared Data-object Model , 1989 .

[171]  Nicholas Carriero,et al.  The S/Net's Linda kernel , 1986, TOCS.

[172]  Thierry Priol,et al.  Irregular Loop Patterns Compilation on Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessors , 1995, ICPP.

[173]  Kai Li,et al.  IVY: A Shared Virtual Memory System for Parallel Computing , 1988, ICPP.

[174]  Lothar Borrmann,et al.  A Process and Memory Model for a Parallel Distributed-Memory Machine , 1990, CONPAR.

[175]  Ronald G. Minnich,et al.  The Mether System: Distributed Shared Memory for SunOS 4.0 , 1993 .

[176]  Alan L. Cox,et al.  Evaluation of release consistent software distributed shared memory on emerging network technology , 1993, ISCA '93.

[177]  Kai Li,et al.  Cache coherence for shared memory multiprocessors based on virtual memory support , 1993, [1993] Proceedings Seventh International Parallel Processing Symposium.

[178]  Thierry Priol,et al.  KOAN: A Shared Virtual Memory for the iPSC/2 Hypercube , 1992, CONPAR.

[179]  Rida A. Bazzi,et al.  The power of processor consistency , 1993, SPAA '93.


[181]  Maya Gokhale,et al.  An implementation of the shared data formats standard for distributed shared memories , 1993 .

[182]  Kai Li,et al.  Retrospective: virtual memory mapped network interface for the SHRIMP multicomputer , 1994, ISCA '98.

[183]  R. G. Minnich,et al.  Mether: supporting the shared memory model on computing clusters , 1993, Digest of Papers. Compcon Spring.

[184]  Chung-Ta King,et al.  Adsmith: An Object-Based Distributed Shared Memory System for Networks of Workstations , 1997 .

[185]  Richard E. Kessler,et al.  An analysis of distributed shared memory algorithms , 1989, [1989] Proceedings. The 9th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[186]  Philip J. Woest,et al.  The Wisconsin multicube: a new large-scale cache-coherent multiprocessor , 1988, ISCA '88.

[187]  Mukesh Singhal,et al.  On the Synchronization Mechanisms in Distributed Shared Memory Systems , 1994 .

[188]  Ronald G. Minnich Mether-NFS: a modified NFS which supports virtual shared memory , 1993 .

[189]  Abdelsalam Heddaya,et al.  Coherence, Non-coherence and Local Consistency in Distributed Shared Memory for Parallel Computing , 1992 .

[190]  Timothy A. Gonsalves,et al.  A DSM-based portable distributed programming testbed , 1995 .

[191]  Meichun Hsu,et al.  Fast recovery in distributed shared virtual memory systems , 1990, Proceedings.,10th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[192]  David Abramson Computer hardware to support capability based addressing in a large virtual memory , 1982 .

[193]  Bernd Irlenbusch,et al.  Type specific fault tolerating protocols for a distributed object memory , 1993, Proceedings Third International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems.

[194]  W. Kent Fuchs,et al.  Relaxing consistency in recoverable distributed shared memory , 1993, FTCS-23 The Twenty-Third International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing.

[195]  Anoop Gupta,et al.  The VMP multiprocessor: initial experience, refinements, and performance evaluation , 1988, ISCA '88.

[196]  Anoop Gupta,et al.  The DASH Prototype: Logic Overhead and Performance , 1993, IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst..

[197]  Gilbert Cabillic,et al.  MYOAN : an implementation of the KOAN shared virtual memory on the Intel paragon , 1994 .

[198]  A. W. Wilson,et al.  Lynx/Galactica Net: a distributed, cache coherent multiprocessing system , 1992, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

[199]  LiKai,et al.  Memory coherence in shared virtual memory systems , 1989 .

[200]  James R. Larus,et al.  Cooperative shared memory: software and hardware for scalable multiprocessors , 1993, TOCS.

[201]  Michael L. Scott,et al.  Software cache coherence for large scale multiprocessors , 1995, Proceedings of 1995 1st IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture.

[202]  Manhoi Choy,et al.  Mixed consistency: a model for parallel programming (extended abstract) , 1994, PODC '94.

[203]  Yuval Tamir,et al.  Coordinated checkpointing-rollback error recovery for distributed shared memory multicomputers , 1994, Proceedings of IEEE 13th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems.

[204]  Rachid Guerraoui,et al.  Distributed Programming in GARF , 1993, ECOOP Workshop.

[205]  Anoop Gupta,et al.  Comparative Performance Evaluation of Cache-Coherent NUMA and COMA Architectures , 1992, [1992] Proceedings the 19th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture.

[206]  John B. Carter,et al.  Distributed shared memory: where we are and where we should be headed , 1995, Proceedings 5th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-V).

[207]  Daniel E. Lenoski,et al.  The design and analysis of DASH: a scalable directory-based multiprocessor , 1992 .

[208]  Michael F. P. O'Boyle,et al.  Compiler reduction of synchronisation in shared virtual memory systems , 1995, ICS '95.

[209]  Thomas J. LeBlanc,et al.  Adjustable block size coherent caches , 1992, ISCA '92.

[210]  James R. Goodman,et al.  Cache Consistency and Sequential Consistency , 1991 .

[211]  Anoop Gupta,et al.  Competitive management of distributed shared memory , 1989, Digest of Papers. COMPCON Spring 89. Thirty-Fourth IEEE Computer Society International Conference: Intellectual Leverage.

[212]  P. Istavrinos Experiences with an object-oriented mapper for coherent distributed shared memory , 1992, [1992] Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems.

[213]  Larry D. Wittie,et al.  Optimistic synchronization in distributed shared memory , 1994, 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[214]  Henri E. Bal,et al.  Programming multicomputers using shared objects , 1993, Proceedings Third International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems.

[215]  T. Priol,et al.  Noa: a Shared Virtual Memory over a Sci Cluster , 1998 .

[216]  David B. Wortman,et al.  Automating data conversion for heterogeneous distributed shared memory , 1994, Softw. Pract. Exp..

[217]  Charles Koelbel,et al.  Supporting shared data structures on distributed memory architectures , 1990, PPOPP '90.

[218]  Marc Shapiro,et al.  Garbage collection and DSM consistency , 1994, OSDI '94.

[219]  B. D. Fleisch Distributed Shared Memory in a Loosely Coupled Distributed System , 1988, COMPCON.

[220]  Laurent Pautet,et al.  Integrating page replacement in a distributed shared virtual memory , 1994, 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.

[221]  John Rosenberg,et al.  Distributed persistent stores , 1993, Microprocess. Microsystems.

[222]  Mark D. Hill,et al.  A Unified Formalization of Four Shared-Memory Models , 1993, IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst..

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