The effect of the half-width of the 22-GHz water vapor line on retrievals of temperature and water vapor profiles with a 12-channel microwave radiometer

We show that observed biases in retrievals of temperature and water vapor profiles from a 12-channel microwave radiometer arise from systematic differences between the observed and model-calculated brightness temperatures at five measurement frequencies between 22 and 30 GHz. Replacing the value for the air-broadened half-width of the 22-GHz water vapor line used in the Rosenkranz absorption model with the 5% smaller half-width from the HITRAN compilation largely eliminated the systematic differences in brightness temperatures. An a priori statistical retrieval based on the revised model demonstrated significant improvements in the accuracy and vertical resolution of the retrieved temperature and water vapor profiles. Additional improvements were demonstrated by combining the MWRP retrievals with those from the GOES-8 sounder and by incorporating brightness temperature measurements at off-zenith angles in the retrievals.

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