Representation of a moving image sequence with skewed planes and its application tovideo coding

This paper proposes a new coding method using structural features such as shape and motion in a moving image so that they are described as plane motion in a 3D space. In this method, a layered representation (a moving image is described on a 2D projection plane) is extended by using a setting representation so as to handle 3D data. In the setting representation, 3D parameters which describe the orientation of a plane and the motion of a rigid body are needed for the regions that move coherently on the projection plane. Parameters can be estimated stably by applying a conventional 3D parameter estimation algorithm (which uses the square-error criterion based on the assumption of equal intensity between adjacent frames) to multiple frames. This paper also proposes a method of integration of the rigid-body motion of multiple regions so that the motion of images can be described more efficiently. The proposed method is compared with the layered representation using 2D data, and a conventional waveform-based method. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Syst Comp Jpn, 28(10): 50–59, 1997