Analysis of Deep-level Mine Design Problems Using the MINSIM-D Boundary Element Program

Computer programs which rely on the assumption of linear, elastic rockmass behaviour have been used routinely for many years in the South African mining industry to detennine the stresses arising in the vicinity of mining excavations. A description is given of the theoretical background and novel solution techniques used in the recently developed MINSIM-D boundary element program. Features of the program include the ability to analyse multiple inter­ acting reef planes at arbitrary orientation to one another, slippage on fault planes and the effects of backrlll placement in mined areas. Incremental mining sequences can be modelled, and digitizer and front-end routines have been written to assist in the capture of mining outlines and general problem specifications. A brief indication is given of design problems for which MINSIM-D is appropriate, as well as some future extensions of the system.