Plan de negocios para la constitución de una empresa consultora que preste los servicios de asesoría para la planeación estratégica de organizaciones y la gerencia de proyectos implementando la metodología PMI - JYJ Project Offices S.A.S.
The document herein describes the business plan for the establishment of a consultancy company which assists, develops the human abilities and accompanies middle and large enterprises from the hydrocarbon (Oil), Construction, Civil Works and telecommunication sectors within the Project Management, Project Management Offices (PMO) using the PMI methodology and strategic planning. This company whose business name will be “JYJ Project Offices S.A.S.” will offer its services to companies located in Bogota D.C. The Services Portfolio of “JYJ Project Offices S.A.S.” will be limited to the assessment of the organizations maturity state, the setting-up of a PMO (Project Management Office) the formulation of strategic planning, the methodology definition for Project Management, the tools definition for the project management, training and formal education in Project Management.
The business plan describes the operational model characteristics (Projected Organic structure, saving of administrative expenses and sales, teleworking, subcontracting of PMP certified personnel, whenever required e-commerce and entrepreneurial events among others will be used) that make feasible the financial sustainability of the company.