Molluscan fauna of abandoned crystalline limestone quarry in Rogóżka (Lower Silesia, Krowiarki Range, Stronie Śląskie commune)

The paper deals with succession in an abandoned quarry of crystalline limestone, located in the village of Rogó¿ka (Krowiarki Mts near Konradów, the northern extension of the Œnie¿nik Massif). Its bottom is covered by synanthropic communities of unspecified systematic rank and communities of limestone screes as well as clumps of Alnus incana and Betula sp. The following communities, gradually entering the quarry, have been distinguished: Dentario-Fagetum, Aceri-Tilietum and Carici remotae-Fraxinetum. The malacofauna collected in the quarry (45 species) constitutes 50.6% of the terrestrial snails recorded from the Œnie¿nik Massif (89 species) and 43.7% of those collected in the K3odzko Region (103 species). Seven of the 15 clausiliid species recorded from the K3odzko Region were found in the quarry (47%), which indicates considerable diversity of the microhabitats. The most important species include Eucobresia diaphana, Semilimax semilimax, Macrogastra tumida, Helicigona lapicida, and most of all Clausilia parvula; for the last species the quarry in Rogó¿ka is the only extant locality in the K3odzko Region. The fate of the quarry’s malacofauna is uncertain, since formally it has not been exluded from exploitation; measures need be taken to establish a nature reserve there.