Failure of timely follow-up imaging recommendations can result in suboptimal patient care. Evidence suggests that the use of conditional language in follow-up recommendations is associated with changes to follow-up compliance. Assuming that referring physicians prefer explicit guidance for follow-up recommendations, we develop algorithms to extract recommended modality and interval from follow-up imaging recommendations related to lung, thyroid and adrenal findings. Using a production dataset of 417,451 radiology reports, we observed that on average, follow-up interval was not mentioned in 79.4% of reports, and modality was missing in 47.4% of reports (4,819 reports contained a follow-up imaging recommendation for one of the three findings). We also developed an interactive dashboard to be used to monitor compliance rates. Recognizing the importance of increasing precision of follow-up recommendations, a quality improvement pilot study is underway with the goal of achieving a target where follow-up modality and interval are both explicitly specified.