Industrial Organisation

ARRANGEMENTS have been made by the Governing Body of the Imperial College of Science and Technology for the delivery during the present session of a series of special lectures on various of the productive industries by lecturers whose experience will enable them to speak with authority. The lectures will be given in the Huxley Building of the Royal College of Science, Exhibition Road, S.W.7 on certain Thursdays at 4 p.m., and will be open to all members of the College staff and students. The lectures during the autumn term will be by Dr. Herbert Levinstein, on the chemical manufacturing industry (Oct. 27); Mr. Austin Hopkinson, on the advantages of the small industrial organisation (Nov. 17); Mr. Maurice Solomon, on the electrical industry with special reference to the advantages of the large industrial organisation (Dec. 1); and Mr. G. M. Burt on the building industry (Dec. 15). Particulars of the lectures during the spring term will be announced later; but they are expected to treat of (a) the heavy engineering industry, (b) the textile industry, and (c) the steel industry. It is intended to publish the seven lectures in a volume.