Core reset considerations in magnetic pulse compression networks

In order for a nonlinear inductor to properly function as a switching device in a magnetic pulse compression network, the core of the saturable inductor must be initially biased at the negative saturation flux on its B-H curve. As voltage is applied across the inductor, the operating point of the magnetic core translates up the B-H curve until the positive saturation flux is reached, at which point the inductor saturates as the desired switching action is realized. Before the magnetic pulse compression network processes the next pulse, the operating point of each core must be repositioned, or "reset" at the negative saturation flux. Proper reset of each magnetic switch is especially important when the output pulse of the magnetic compression network is constrained by tight timing and jitter requirements. The problem of insuring that each core is properly reset may be compounded when energy is left behind in the pulse compression network as the pulse propagates through. If not properly managed, this excess energy can be reflected back and forth in the network before it is dissipated. In the mean time, such reflections can seriously hamper the reset dynamics of the magnetic switches. In this paper, the dynamics of magnetic core reset, specifically pertaining to the operation of a magnetic pulse compression network are discussed. Examples of the magnetic switch reset processes being adversely influenced by the energy transfer dynamics of a magnetic compression network are illustrated. Finally, several magnetic core reset methods are presented and discussed.