Using data sets of known quality as the basis for comparison, a recent experiment explored the Gulf Stream Region at 27°–47°N and 80°–50°W to assess the nowcast/forecast capability of specific ocean models and the impact of data assimilation. Scientists from five universities and the Naval Research Laboratory/Stennis Space Center participated in the Data Assimilation and Model Evaluation Experiment (DAMEE-GSR).
DAMEE-GSR was based on case studies, each successively more complex, and was divided into three phases using case studies (data) from 1987 and 1988. Phase I evaluated models' forecast capability using common initial conditions and comparing model forecast fields with observational data at forecast time over a 2-week period. Phase II added data assimilation and assessed its impact on forecast capability, using the same case studies as in phase I, and phase III added a 2-month case study overlapping some periods in Phases I and II.