Computation of Rotation Minimizing Frame in Computer Graphics

We investigate the computation and properties of rotation minimizing frame (RMF), which is a moving orthonormal frame U(u) attached to a smooth curve x(u), called the spine curve, in 3D such that U(u) does not rotate about the instantaneous tangent of x(u). Due to its minimal-twist property, the RMF is widely used in computer graphics, including sweep or blending surface modeling, motion design and control in computer animation and robotics, streamline visualization, and tool path planning in CAD/CAM. In general, the RMF cannot be computed exactly and therefore one often needs to approximate the exact RMF by a sequence of orthonormal frames at sampled points on the spine curve. We present a novel simple and efficient method for accurate and stable computation of an RMF for any C 1 regular curve in 3D. This method, called the double reflection method, uses two reflections to compute each frame from its preceding one to yield a sequence of frames to approximate an exact RMF. The double reflection method is highly accurate – it has the global fourth order approximation error, thus comparing favorably to the second order approximation error of two currently prevailing methods – the projection method by Klok and the rotation method by Bloomenthal, while all these methods have comparable per-frame computational cost. Furthermore, the double reflection method is much simpler and faster than using the standard 4-th order Runge-Kutta method to integrate the defining ODE of the RMF, which yields the same accuracy as the double reflection method. We also present further properties and extensions of the double reflection method for various application scenarios. Finally, we discuss the variational principles in design moving frames with boundary conditions, based on the RMF.

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