National plan of action for promoting breastfeeding: an outline.
The International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes came into existence in 1981. The Innocenti Declaration was signed in 1990 for protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding. A significant development took place with the enactment of "Infant Milk Substitutes, Infant Foods and Feeding Bottles Act 1992". The establishment of the Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) in 1991 led to several significant initiatives in partnership with Association for Consumers Action on Safety and Health (ACASH) and several other NGOs and professional associations. After 10 years of movement, a meeting of the key partners was thought of to review the ongoing initiative to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. In the meeting the partners discussed objectives, key issues, advocacy and policy development, training and capacity development, communication and social mobilisation, community action and intervention, monitoring, evaluation and research. It was hoped that this would provide the necessary impetus for concerted action to be taken by different partners at all levels to organise "baby friendly communities" a reality in India where young children's rights to breastfeeding for survival, growth and development would be fulfilled in partnership with families and communities.