Improving treebank-based automatic LFG induction for Spanish

We describe several improvements to the method of treebank-based LFG induction for Spanish from the Cast3LB treebank (O’Donovan et al., 2005). We discuss the different categories of problems encountered and present the solutions adopted. Some of the problems involve a simple adoption of existing linguistic analyses, as in our treatment of clitic doubling and null subjects. In other cases there is no standard LFG account for the phenomenon we wish to model and we adopt a compromise, conservative solution. This is exemplified by our treatment of Spanish periphrastic constructions. In yet another case, the less configurational nature of Spanish means that the LFG annotation algorithm has to rely mostly on Cast3LB function tags, and consequently a reliable method of adding those tags to parse trees had to be developed. This method achieves over 6% improvement over the baseline for the Cast3LB-function-tag assignment task, and over 3% improvement over the baseline for LFG f-structure construction from function-tag-enriched trees.