The largest collection of ternary phase diagrams and related crystal structure data ever assembled can be found in this 10 volume set. Some features of the reference set: 18,000 published diagrams Exhaustive bibliographies by Dr. Prince Includes diagrams from the compilations from the International Programme for Alloy Phase Diagrams 7,380 ternary systems ternary phase diagrams for 3,317 alloy systems Crystallographic data on 7,050 systems Includes liquidus projections, isotherms, isopleths, and pseudobinaries All diagrams were redrawn to uniform standards for easy use and comparison Temperatures given in degrees C and all compositions given in atomic relative orientation of elements is standardized (no rotating or mirroring needed) Angle between composition scales in all horizontal views (projections and isothermal sections) standardized at 60 degrees More than 43,000 citations of included literature most composition scales are identical within a diagram Boundary regions adjusted to critically evaluated binary diagrams