1. ABSTRACT The problem of efficiently compressing a large number, L, of fl dimensional signal vectors is considered. The approach suggested here achieves efficiencies over current preprocessing and Karhunen-LoCve techniques when both L and N are large. Preprocessing and partitioning techniques are first ap plied to the L x hf data matrix 3 to reduce the database to a manageable number of subblocks of lower dimension. Within each subblock an iterative chain approhation is proposed that effects a transform at each stage of the iterative scheme. A particularly appealing transform, using prolate spheroidal sequences, is suggested. To evaluate a reduced dimensionality approximation for the expansion coefficients, the approach used in the orthogonal Procrustes problem solution is combined with an iterative interlacing technique due to Daugavet for factorizing matrices.
D. Slepian.
Prolate spheroidal wave functions, fourier analysis, and uncertainty — V: the discrete case
The Bell System Technical Journal.
David Casasent,et al.
KL Techniques For Optimal Processing Of Time Sequential Imagery
Other Conferences.
Michael Lindenbaum,et al.
Partial eigenvalue decomposition of large images using spatial temporal adaptive method
IEEE Trans. Image Process..
David Casasent,et al.
Karhunen-Loeve techniques for optimal processing of time sequential imagery
Allen Gersho,et al.
Image compression with variable block size segmentation
IEEE Trans. Signal Process..