Cyber-Physical Disaster Response of Power Supply Using a Centralised-to-Distributed Framework

This paper proposes a cyber-physical cooperative recovery framework to maintain critical power supply, enhancing power systems resilience under extreme events such as earthquakes and hurricanes. Extreme events can possibly damage critical infrastructure in terms of power supply, on both cyber and physical layers. Microgrid (MG) has been widely recognised as the physical-side response to such blackouts, however, the recovery of cyber side is yet fully investigated, especially the cooperatively recovery of cyber-physical power supply. Therefore, a centralised-to-distributed resilient control framework is designed to maintain the power supply of critical loads. In such resilient control, controller-to-controller (C2C) wireless network is utilised to form the emergency distributed communication without a centralised base station. Owing to the limited reliable bandwidth that can be employed in C2C networks, the inevitable delay is considered in designing a discrete control framework, and the corresponding stability criteria are given quantitatively. Finally, the cyber-physical recovery framework is demonstrated effectively through simulations in MATLAB/Simulink.