Danish Chydorid Cladocera: Modern Ecology and Core Studies

Surficial sediments from 77 Danish lakes were processed for chydorid remains for the purpose of establishing relationships of species occurrence to lake type. A total of 35 species of chydorids was recovered; 3 species were new for Denmark, while 3 others previously reported from Danish lakes were not found. The lakes sampled were subjectively grouped according to physical—chemical measurements into 1 of 3 groups–clear—water lakes (1), ponds and bogs (2) and polluted, clear—water lakes (3). Correlations between chydorids and chemical—physical properties of lakes, plus evidence from relative abundances and frequencies of each species found in each lake type, suggests that most species prefer those waters best termed oligotrophic and dystrophic. The exceptions of Chydorus sphaericus and Alona rectangula which, when found in high percentages, typify eutrophic or polluted sites. These data correlated well with species diversity values–high values were found in clear—water lakes (1) and ponds and bogs (2), while low diversities were typical of polluted sites (3). These data suggested that species diversity is a function of available habitat (rooted aquatics), and hence to a large extent the distribution of most chydorid species within a region is determined by habitat diversity (structure). Grane Langso (an oligotrophic, Jutlandic lake) and Esrom S° (an eutrophic, Zealandic lake) were selected for paleo—studies because of their differences, which resulted in contrasting lake development. Postglacial gyttja sediment in Grane Langso extended to 431 cm below the mud—water surface interface. Pollen zonation, and a radiocarbon date of ±9500 BP placed the lowest organic deposits into Pre—Boreal time. Two chydorid species were important in Grane Langso Late—glacial sands underlying the gyttja (Alona affinis and Chydorus sphaericus). Chydorid faunas developed through the Pre—Boreal and early Boreal; by late Boreal chydorid populations were most diverse, and presumably stable. A decrease in species diversity during Atlantic time was due to unstable conditions within the lake, evidenced by deposition of sand; Chydorus piger was abundant during this period. Sub—Boreal organic deposits overlay the Atlantic sands. High percentages of Pleuroxus during mid—Sub—Boreal were attributed to man's activity, and a lower water level. The most recent change in chydorid assemblages occurred within the past 100 yrs; this change was increased percentages of Alonella nana–a species normally associated with low alkalinities in Denmark. Postglacial calcareous gyttja deposits in Esrom So extended to 380 cm below the mud water interface. Calcareous clay extended from 381—840 cm, and glacial till occurred below 840 cm. Pollen preservation was poor in Esrom, but the lowermost gyttja was probably Pre—Boreal (Zone IV). No pollen counts were attributable to Zone VI. Few chydorid remains were found in Late—glacial clays, and extensive development of populations began in Pre—Boreal time (370 cm). Chydorid assemblages characteristic of discriminant Group 1 were present throughout most of the postglacial deposits; benthic species were prevalent during most of the lake's history. Littoral forms did increase in Sub—Boreal time, but by Sub—Atlantic chydorid assemblages were again dominated by benthic groups. In Esrom, postglacial chydorid fluctuations were dampened by its morphological and chemical characteristics, while Grane Langso fossil assemblages were sensitive to minor variations in the lake's environs. Pioneer chydorid species in northern Europe are Chydorus sphaericus, Alona affinis, A. quadrangularis, Acroperus harpae, and Alonella nana.

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