가속노화 효과에 의한 치과용 3D 프린터 출력물의 변형도 평가
The objective of this study was to estimate the accuracy of 3D printed models and acceleration aging deformity of 3D printed models by calculating the RMS values of original model and 3D printed models with or without acceleration aging. RMS values between original model and four kinds of 3D printed models were 41.60 ㎛ (Polyjet), 44.52 ㎛ (DLP), 48.60 ㎛ (SLA), and 55.46 ㎛ (FDM) in this order. Also, RMS values between original model and four kinds of 3D printed models treated by acceleration aging were 63.56 ㎛ (Polyjet), 68.04 ㎛ (SLA), 72.10 ㎛ (DLP), and 292.48 ㎛ (FDM) in this order. Statistical analysis of both tests results that there was significant differences between each experimental group (P<0.05). Comparison test of RMS values of 3D printed model before and after acceleration aging resulted that all experimental groups showed significant difference between before and after acceleration aging (P<0.05). Within the limitation of this study, most 3D printers except FDM type are expected to be acceptable to prepare the model for preparing clear aligner. Also, immediate model preparation by 3D printer at each stage is recommended to ensure accurate orthodontic treatment with clear aligner.