Iceberg query (IBQ) is a special class of aggregation query which compute aggregations upon user provided threshold (T). In data mining area, efficient evaluation of iceberg queries has been attracted by many researchers due to enormous production of data in industries and commercial sectors. Decision support database and discovery of knowledge related systems mainly compute aggregate values of interesting attributes by handling a big quantity of data in large databases. In literature, different strategies were found for IBQ evaluation, but using compressed bitmap index technique provides efficient strategy among all. In this paper, we propose a new strategy for computing IBQ, which builds a set for each attribute value, contains its occurrences in the attribute column and performs set operations for producing result. An experimentation on synthetic dataset demonstrates our approach is efficient than existing strategies for lower thresholds. We suggested set operations[11] in place of bitwise-AND operations to reduce execution time for different threshold values. And we developed effective GUI for aggregation of Different item pairs
C. V. Guru Rao,et al.
Efficient Iceberg query evaluation using compressed bitmap index by deferring bitwise-XOR operations
2013 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC).
Ziyang Liu,et al.
Efficient Iceberg Query Evaluation Using Compressed Bitmap Index
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
Tomasz Imielinski,et al.
Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases
SIGMOD Conference.
Andreas Nürnberger,et al.
Knowledge journey: a web search interface for young users
HCIR '12.
Ravi Chandra,et al.
User Interface Design - Methods and Qualities of a Good User Interface Design
P. Sammulal,et al.
Efficient iceberg query evaluation using set representation
2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON).