Psychology of reasoning : theoretical and historical perspectives

K.I. Manktelow, M.C.Chung, The Contextual Character of Thought: Integrating Themes from the Histories and Theories of the Study of Reasoning. M.E. Doherty, R.D. Tweney, Reasoning and Task Environments: The Brunswikian Approach. N. Chater, Rationality, Rational Analysis and Human Reasoning. D. Over, The Psychology of Conditionals. D.P. O'Brien, A. Roazzi, M.G. Dias, J.B. Cantor, P.J. Brooks, Violations, Lies, Broken Promises, and Just Plain Mistakes: The Pragmatics of Counterexamples, Logical Semantics, and the Evaluation of Conditional Assertions, Regulations, and Promises in Variants of Wason's Selection Task. K.Stenning, M. van Lambalgen, The Natural History of Hypotheses About the Selection Task: Towards a Philosophy of Science for Investigating Human Reasoning. K.I. Manktelow, Reasoning and Rationality: The Pure and the Practical. P.N. Johnson-Laird, The History of Mental Models. G.Politzer, Some precursors of Current Theories of Syllogistic Reasoning. J. St B T Evans, History of the dual process theory of reasoning. D.W. Green, Coherence and Argumentation. A.M. Colman, Reasoning about Strategic Interaction: Solution Concepts in Game Theory. G.L. Brase, What We Reason About and Why: How Evolution Explains Reasoning. F.H. Poletiek, The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: Translating Popper's Philosophy into a Model for Testing Behaviour. S. Lovie, Constructing Science.