피치각과 날개 길이 변화에 따른 축류팬의 성능 및 소음 특성에 관한 실험적 연구

In this study, the blade and hub are separate blades can adjust the pitch angle is constructed. Variation of pitch axial flow fan performance was confirmed by experiments investigated the effect of the length of the blade. Pitch angle of 5° to 20°~45° at intervals of 6 set were measured by varying the fan blade airfoil in the form of the same length five steps(80mm, 90mm, 100mm, 110mm, 120mm) axial flow fans by changing the performance. According to the same pitch angle, air flow from the static pressure has a similar slope. Same pitch angle, power consumption, depending on the value of airflow and gentle slopes that have a longer blade length, pitch angle change was difficult to find a relationship in which each pitch, each of surging point is judged to be due to the impact of the change. Due to changes in the length of the fan blade pitch angle, which shows the noise characteristics by pitch angle increases, the noise also increases the value and the same pitch angle.