Lead Poisoning: Exposure, Abatement, Regulation

Lead Exposure and Abatement The Prevalence of Lead Paint in Housing: Findings from the National Survey, R.P. Clickner, V.A. Albright, and S. Weitz Data Analysis of Lead in Soil (HUD Survey Data), S.F. Brown, B.D. Schultz, R.P. Clickner, and S. Weitz National Survey of Lead Paint in Housing: Analysis of Error Sources, J.W. Rogers, R.P. Clickner, and M. Chen The HUD Lead-Based Paint Abatement Demonstration in Public Housing, R.F. Eberle Information Collected in the HUD Abatement Demonstration Program and Its Application in Planning a Follow-On Study, R.A. Lordo and M. Chen Results from the Pilot Comprehensive Abatement Performance Study, B.E. Buxton, S.W. Rust, F. Todt, T. Collins, C. Boudreau, R. Hertz, P. Constant, G. Dewalt, J.G. Schwemberger, and B.S. Lim Incidence of Severe Lead Poisoning in Children in Trinidad Resulting from Battery Recycling Operations, I. Chang-Yen, C. Emrit, and A. Hosein-Rahaman Program and Policy Issues The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Broad Strategy to Address Lead Poisoning, J.S. Carra The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Lead Strategy and Lead-Based Paint Program, R.J. Morony and B.T. Cook CDC's Perspective on Preventing Lead Poisoning in Young Children, S. Binder National Implementation Plan for the Prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning from Residential Exposure to Lead-Based Paint, B.T. Cook A Pound of Prevention, An Ounce of Cure: Paradigm Shifts in Childhood Lead Poisoning Programs, K.W.J. Rochow Coordinated National Strategy on Childhood Lead Poisoning: A National Action Plan, A.M. Guthrie and D. Ryan Encapsulation of Lead-Based Paint, B.A. Leczynski, J.G. Schwemberger, and R.J. Cramer Successful Low-Cost Risk Communication and Public Education Programs, D.L. McAllister Chemical Measurement Methods Phosphate Addition to the Delves Cup Method, F. Ruszala, D. Worsley, and J. Hogan New Developments in Lead Paint Film Analysis with Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer, S. Piorek, J. Pasmore, B.D. Lass, J. Koskinen, and H. Sipila The Analysis of Lead-Based Paint Layers: A Qualitative Comparison of Methods, R.J. Narconis, V. Divljakovic, S.L. Barnes, and A.M. Krebs Characterization and Identification of Lead-Rich Particles: A First Step in Source Apportionment, G.S. Casuccio, M.L. Demyanek, G.R. Dunmyre, B.C. Henderson, and I.M. Stewart Development of a Field-Test Method for the Determination of Lead in Paint, and Paint-Contaminated Dust and Soil, P.M. Grohse, K.K. Luk, L.L. Hodson, B.M. Wilson, W.F. Gutknecht, S.L. Harper, M.E. Beard, B.S. Lim, and J.J. Breen Preparation and Evaluation of Lead-Containing Paint and Dust Method Evaluation Materials, E.E. Williams, D.A. Binstock, E.D. Estes, J.D. Neefus, L.E. Myers, W.F. Gutknecht, B.S. Lim, J.J. Breen, S.L. Harper, and M.E. Beard NIST-SRM 2759 Lead Paint Films for Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers, P.A. Pella, M. McKnight, K.E. Murphy, R.D. Vocke, E. Byrd, J.S. Kane, E.S. Lagergren, and S.B. Schiller Sampling Methods and Statistical Issues Vacuum Sampling of Settled Dust for Lead Analysis, B.S. Lim, J.G. Schwemberger, P. Constant, and K. Bauer Analysis of Factors Contributing to Lead in Household Dust: Accounting for Measurement Error, B. Price and E.C. Baird III Multi-Element Analysis of Lead-Based Paint Abatement Data, J.G. Kinateder, S.W. Rust, and J.G. Schwemberger Determination of Environmental Lead Using Compositing of House Dust Samples, M.R. Farfel and C.A. Rohde Sampling Methodology and Decision Strategy for Testing for Lead-Based Paint in Public Housing, D.C. Cox and J.G. Schwemberger Efficient Methods of Testing Lead-Based Paint in Single-Family Homes, A. Greenland, D.C. Cox, J.G. Schwemberger, and C. Foster Relationships Among Lead Levels in Blood, Dust, and Soil, D. Burgoon, S.W. Rust, and K. Hogan Application of a Novel Slurry Furnace AAS Protocol for Rapid Assessment of Lead Environmental Contamination, M.S. Epstein, S.M. Smith, and J.J. Breen Epilogue Check Our Kids for Lead: Empowering Employees to Make a Difference, J.J. Breen, C.R. Stroup, S. Wooten, V.R. Anderson, K.A. Benjamin, G.H. Bergeison, S.F. Brown, B.T. Cook, G. Cooper, L.M. Harris, B.S. Lim, D.G. Lynch, and B.A. Myrick Index