TALISMAN is a large international project funded within the European Commission FP7 EURATOM framework. The aim of TALISMAN is to offer transnational access to large infrastructures for a safe management of actinides. Although clearly focusing on RD ITU Laboratories & hot-cells, European Commission; KIT-INE laboratories and KIT-INE beamline, Germany; HZDR-IRE & ROBL, Germany; PSI microXAS Beamline, Switzerland) to which two new facilities have been added: NNL Central Lab in the UK and CHALMERS in Sweden. TALISMAN is also open to scientists and research organizations from outside the European Union. TALISMAN leads and coordinates a network of actinide facilities across Europe, but also manages a network between facilities and users to increase the knowledge for a safer management of actinides. TALISMAN also enhances the efforts made to support education and training issues by continuing the former ACTINET Summer School series and travel grant attributions for attending international conferences like the Plutonium Futures series. The TALISMAN project website is regularly updated and offers detailed information on all TALISMAN activities at http://www.talisman-project.eu. This is including contact addresses, TALISMAN newsletters, announcements and description of open and forthcoming calls for transnational user access and indicates several other options to perform actinide research within the TALISMAN context.