The Outlook for Employment

T HE director of placement of Northwestern University has just completed a survey of 120 of America's best known business and industrial concerns in an attempt to evaluate employment prospects for inexperienced college and university graduates. Most in demand are engineers and men with other technical training. Next come positions in sales, followed by those in general business for which special training is given by the company after employment. Significantly, starting salaries and salaries at the beginning of the second year of employment are higher for engineers and those capable of technical work than for those trained in accounting, general business, and sales. The 120 representative companies will seek to employ approximately 4,900 inexperienced college graduates during the next year. This number is smaller by 10% than the number they employed last year. Turning to the figure for chemists and chemical engineers, we find that 28 companies employed 211 chemists last year, while 29 ...