브라질의 바람 자원과 풍력 발전의 경제성 평가

This paper provides an analysis of wind energy resources for electricity generation in Brazil. It also provides the economic feasibility from the various factors relating to the operation of the wind turbine. As the results from the analyzing the METAR data, the wind characterization and wind power potential assessment shows that the 9 stations range 2 and over in wind class among 104 stations and have an average wind speed of 4.5 m/s. Wind is constantly from Atlantic ocean, and turbine efficiency ranges 21∼37 % in height of 100 meter. The shape factors to calculate an annual wind distribution range from 2.2 to 3.3, which represents that the data of low wind speed take high percentage. Considering the relation between the height of wind turbine and a slope of power curve, in order to ensure an economic feasibility, it is need to enlarge the slope of power curve to meet the wind speed of 4∼5 m/s.