[Importance of the masticatory mucosa in the maintenance of healthy peri-implant soft tissues. Review of the literature].

BACKGROUND As from the second half of the eighties the researchers' interest for peri-implant soft tissues has increased significantly. In this context studies intended to define the role played by the masticatory mucosa in the maintenance of peri-implant health hold a prominent position. As a matter of fact the frequent need to place implants in areas coated by alveolar mucosa led to focus researchers attention on this topic. METHODS The most authoritative opinions found in the literature about the influence of the masticatory mucosa on peri-implant health have been analyzed, as well as the most important clinical and histological studies involving this problem. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of these studies, it can be concluded that even in the absence of keratinized mucosa the peri-implant health can be maintained, provided that oral hygiene is correctly performed.