2단 터보 적용 승용 디젤 엔진의 연비 개선
High specific power, additional hardware and mapping optimization was done to achieve reduction of fuel economy for current engine in this study. 2 stage turbocharger with serial configuration was best candidate not only for high specific power at high engine speed but also for increase of low end torque tor current engine. This increase of low end torque is important tor development of transient characteristic of vehicle. DoE and efficient EGR Cooler was applied for optimization of fuel economy. DoE was useful for optimization of fuel consumption affected by various fuel injection parameters. This DoE was also efficient for matching optimal fuel economy after change of engine hardware. Performance improvement of engine with 2 stage turbocharger VGT was evaluated and additional development of fuel economy was performed in this study.
[1] 정재우,et al. 배기계 형상이 VGT를 장착한 디젤엔진의 EGR 특성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 , 2006 .