Cellular automata for simulating lava flows: A method and examples of the Etnean eruptions

Abstract This paper presents a bidimensional cellular model for simulating lava flows and its application to the simulation of the 1986–87 and 1991–92 Etnean eruptions. Lava flow is viewed as a dynamic system based on local interactions with discrete time and space, where space is represented by square cells. Each cell is characterized by specific values (the state) of the following selected physical parameters: altitude, lava thickness, lava temperature and lava outflows toward the neighbouring cells. Lava rheology is considered indirectly through its effect on lava thickness. The boundary values constraining a simulation are those describing underlying topography, lava discharge rate, eruption temperature, solidus temperature and rheology. The Cellular Automata model has been tested against growth data for Etna's 1986–87 and 1991–92 flow fields. Even though the data set is heterogeneous, the model and real flow field show strikingly similar growth patterns. The close similarity highlights the flexibilit...