ITS2, 18S, 16S or any other RNA - simply aligning sequences and their individual secondary structures simultaneously by an automatic approach.

Secondary structures of RNA sequences are increasingly being used as additional information in reconstructing phylogenies and/or in distinguishing species by compensatory base change (CBC) analyses. However, in most cases just one secondary structure is used in manually correcting an automatically generated multiple sequence alignment and/or just one secondary structure is used in guiding a sequence alignment still completely generated by hand. With the advent of databases and tools offering individual RNA secondary structures, here we re-introduce a twelve letter code already implemented in 4SALE - a tool for synchronous sequence and secondary structure alignment and editing - that enables one to align RNA sequences and their individual secondary structures synchronously and fully automatic, while dramatically increasing the phylogenetic information content. We further introduce a scaled down non-GUI version of 4SALE particularly designed for big data analysis, and available at:

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