This paper provides an overview of the current state of music analysis and visualization tools in PWGL. We aim to demonstrate, through several challenging examples, the importance of flexible and extensible music notation and object oriented scripting language. ENP, the music notation tool in PWGL, is used to prepare the analytical examples ranging from contemporary piano pieces to orchestral music. Our scripting language, ENP-script, is used to write analytical rules that automatically display the information in the score. The tight integration between these tools allows us to read the information contained by the score in a flexible and structured way. It is also possible to write new information back in the score or to manipulate the existing data.
Mika Kuuskankare,et al.
ENP-Expressions, Score-BPF as a Case Study
Christopher Ariza,et al.
An Open Design for Computer-Aided Algorithmic Music Composition: athenaCL
David Huron,et al.
Music Information Processing Using the Humdrum Toolkit: Concepts, Examples, and Lessons
Computer Music Journal.
Mika Kuuskankare,et al.
Expressive Notation Package
Computer Music Journal.
Mikael Laurson,et al.
PatchWork : a visual programming language and some musical applications