2019 Highly Migratory Species Annual Report

Results highlight the importance of both the ECS and SoJ spawning areas to the PBF fishery in the CCLME. In the western Pacific, there have been multiple efforts to identify natal origin, all capitalizing on the difference in spawning time between the two spawning areas. These studies have each had their own limitations and have not provided insight into the relative contribution of the spawning ground to the CCLME. This study provides a four-year assessment sourcing the natal origin of recruits in the Eastern Pacific Ocean using laser ablation with high spatial resolution sampling. Inter-annual variability observed in element:Ca ratios emphasizes the need to have annual baseline samples of age-0 PBF collected from both spawning areas to enable age-class matching. Interestingly, both spawning grounds make a significant contribution to the population of fish in the CCLME, with variability in the relative contribution across years. This insight will improve the ability to examine the environmental forcing mechanisms associated with the westward migrations and recruitment. Results also support the utility of the approach to examine sourcing of PBF and movement dynamics throughout the Pacific Ocean. distributions and long (climate) timescales. sources of prediction for species environmental responses confidence in the ability to accurately predict species distributions and abundance, to know which responses future change. is important as climate change continues to cause an unprecedented redistribution of life on Seas

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