In vitro biocompatibility and electrochemical behavior of titanium and its alloys

In vitro osteoblasts/Ti-6Al-7Nb bioalloy interactions were characterized in this paper. Also, the electrochemical properties of the passive films on titanium and its Ti-6Al-7Nb bioalloy in Ringer 2 and 3 solutions were determined as an aspect of their biocompatibility. Human osteoblast proliferation and viability are very good. "Cell effort" to adhere on metallic support is visualized by some morphologic changes of the osteoblasts. Cytotoxicity effects of Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy appeared after 48 culture hours and decreased in time, demonstrating a very good biocompatibility. In Ringer 2 solution of different pH values (2.5; 5; 6.7 and 9), titanium and Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy presented self-passivation, very large passive potential range, very low passive current densities, confirming a compact, protective, stable layer. The very low corrosion rates and ion release values prove a near imperceptible toxicity. In Ringer 3 solution, open circuit potentials of titanium and its Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy tend to electropositive values, attesting a process of passivity increase by thickening