X-ray diffraction and time-resolved fluorescence analyses of Aequorea green fluorescent protein crystals.

The energy transfer protein, green fluorescent protein, from the hydromedusan jellyfish Aequorea victoria has been crystallized in two morphologies suitable for x-ray diffraction analysis. Hexagonal plates have been obtained in the P6122 or P6522 space group with a = b = 77.5, c = 370 A, and no more than three molecules per asymmetric unit. Monoclinic parallel-epipeds have been obtained in the C2 space group with a = 93.3, b = 66.5, c = 45.5 A, beta = 108 degrees, and one molecule per asymmetric unit. The monoclinic form is better suited for use in a structure determination, and a data set was collected from the native crystal. Time-resolved fluorescence measurements of large single crystals are possible due to the unique, covalently bound chromophore present in this molecule. Fluorescence emission spectra of Aequorea green fluorescent protein in solution and from either the hexagonal or monoclinic single crystal show similar profiles suggesting that the conformations of protein in solution and in the crystal are similar. Multifrequency phase fluorimetric data obtained from a single crystal were best fit by a single fluorescence lifetime very close to that exhibited by the protein in solution. The complementary structural data obtained from fluorescence spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction crystallography will aid in the elucidation of this novel protein's structure-function relationship.