Nineteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies

Absnacr-Because the wireless asynchronous transfer made (ATM) networks are often constrained with the limited link bandwidth and error prone eharacterlstles, forward ermr c o d o n (FJ3C) fa needed to @rove thelr bit error rate p e r f o r m " In thfs paper, a two-level punetured convotutlonal code (PCC) Beheme is constructed to apply to widess ATM d header and various payloads with the flexible unequal error protection (UEP). Since thelr perforation matrices can be programmable, the code rates of PCCP are applicable to the merent sedtlvlty of source encoded symbols, even if only the same encoding and decoding hardware Is used. Fid y , the performance on Gallsslan and fad@ chnnnela is analyzed, whlch shows stgnificant reduetlons in cell loss rate (CLR) and goad I#llances for CLR and the payload bit error rate (BER).