Surface chemistry and electrochemistry of membranes

"Chemical and Physical Structure of Synthetic Membranes and Membrane Surfaces Atomic Force Microscope Studies of Membrane Surfaces, W. Richard Bowen, Nidal Hilal, Robert W. Lovitt, and Chris J. Wright A Multidisciplinary Approach Towards Pore Size Distributions of Microporous and Mesoporous Membranes, Antonio HernAndez, JosE Ignacio Calvo, Pedro PrAdanos, and Laura Palacio Surface Functionalization of Polymer Membranes, Jacqueline Marchand-Brynaert Formation Process, Analysis, and Structure of Silica Polymers, Fractal Aggregates, and Membranes, Balagopal N. Nair, Klaas Keizer, Norbert Maene, Tatsuya Okubo, and Shin-Ichi Nakao Transport Phenomena in Synthetic Membranes: Reverse Osmosis, Ultrafiltration Gas Pervaporation, Diffusion, Osmosis Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Polymer Solution-Diffusion Membranes, J. H. Petropoulos, M. Sanopoulou, and K. G. Papadokostaki Irreversible Thermodynamic Models for Pervaporation and Ultrafiltration, A. Steinchen Protein Adsorption on Ultrafiltration Membrane Surfaces and Effects on Transport, V. G. J. Rodgers Diffusion of Dyes in Porous Membranes with Parallel Pore and Surface Diffusion, Masako Maekawa Osmotic Properties of Polyelectrolyte Gels, Dietrich Woermann Electrochemical Transport Processes Through Synthetic Membranes and Membrane Surfaces Electrochemical Characterization of Membranes and Membrane Surfaces by EMF Measurements, Torben Smith SOrensen and Sergio Roberto Rivera Transport Numbers of Ions in Charged Membrane Systems, JosE A. Manzanares and KyOsti Kontturi Ion Equilibrium and Transport in Weak Amphoteric Membranes, Patricio Ramirez and Salvador MafE Water, Ion, and Entropy Transfer in Ion Exchange Membranes, Signe Kjelstrup, Tatsuhiro Okada, and Magnar OttOy Irreversible Thermodynamics of Membrane Surface Transport with Application to Polymer Fuel Cells, Signe Kjelstrup, Preben J. S. Vie, and Dick Bedeaux Electroosmotic Transport Through Ion-Exchange Membranes, C. RuOz BauzA and V. M. BarragAn Garcia Anion-Exchange Membranes with Viologen Cross-Links Showing Photovoltaic Effects and with Permselective Properties Determined by Photoirradiation, Toshikatsu Sata Electroconvective Mechanisms in Concentration Polarization at Electrodialysis Membranes, I. Rubinstein and B. Zaltzman Impedance and Dielectric Dispersion of Synthetic and Biological Membranes and Membrane Surfaces Interfacial Electrodynamics of Membranes and Polymer Films, Torben Smith SOrensen The Characterization of Membranes and Membrane Surfaces Using Impedance Spectroscopy, Hans G. L. Coster and Terry C. Chilcott Impedance of Multilayer Membrane Systems, Emilij Zholkovskij Biomembranes and Biomembrane Surfaces The Role of Water in the Surface Properties of Lipid Bilayers and Its Influence on Permeability, E. Anibal Disalvo Surface Electrostatics of Biological Membranes and Ion Binding, Suren A. Tatulian Ion Transport Across a Membrane with Soft Polar Interfaces, Victor Levadny, Vicente Aguilella, and Marina Belaya Nonlinear Instability of Biological Membrane Surfaces with Application to Bioadhesion, Dominique Gallez "