Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics

Artistic Identity* The Job of the Director* Identifying Your Themes as a Director* Developing Your Story Ideas* Checklist* Screencraft* Screen Grammar* Seeing with a Moviemaker's Eye* Shooting Projects* Checklist* Writing* The Screenplay* The Process of Writing* Adaptation from Art or Life* Story Development Strategies* Scene-Writing Exercises* Checklist* Aesthetics and Authorship* Point of View* Genre, Conflict, and Dialectics* Structure, Plot, and Time* Space, Stylized Environments, and Performances* Form and Style* Checklist* Preproduction* Interpreting the Script* Casting* Directing Actors* Actors' Problems* Improvisation Work to Explore Acting* Exercises with a Text* Rehearsal and Development* Director and Actor Prepare a Scene* Final Rehearsals and Planning Coverage* Checklist* Production* Developing a Crew* Mise en Scene Basics* Getting Ready to Shoot* Directing the Crew* Monitoring Progress* Checklist* Postproduction* Preparing to Edit* Editing the First Assembly* Editing from Rough Cut to Fine Cut* Editing: Finalization* Editing from Fine Cut to Sound Mix* Titles and Acknowledgments* Checklist* Career Track* Planning a Career* Major International Film/Video Schools* Breaking into the Industry* Checklist* Further Information* Glossary* Select Bibliography* Index