To assess the evolution of alcohol consumption among students in Cote d' Ivoire, an investigation paralleling the preference of subjects and their actual consumption for alcoholic beverages was conducted. A closed questionnaire was administered to 3428 subjects (1458 boys and 1396 girls) divided into three groups according to age: 10 to 14 years old (n = 598), 15 to 20 years old (n = 1769), and 21 to 24 years old (n = 487). Regular alcohol consumption is higher, on the one hand, males (26,13 %) than females (9,60 %) and, on the other hand, in 21 to 24 years (24,44 %) than in the 15 to 20 years (19,84 %) and 10-14 years (7,53 %). Overall, koutoukou is so consumed (9,39 %) as preferred (9,93 %). However dolo (home-made beer) is consumed (8,19 %) and liked it (6,58 %). Conversely, the bangjy is more appreciated (44,22 %) than consumed (19,41 %). As for industrial alcohol, they are more preferred than consumed: 47,48 % vs 33,78 % for beer, 46,6 % vs 27,07 % for wine, 27,72 % vs 17,58 % for the liquor. This behavior is linked to the selling price of different alcohols and their availability on the market.
Yao Km,et al.
Types de boissons alcooliques consommées en Côte d'Ivoire. Préférence et consommation effective.
H. Swartzwelder,et al.
Alcohol's Effects on the Adolescent Brain What Can Be Learned From Animal Models
E. Österberg,et al.
International Perspectives on Adolescent and Young Adult Drinking
Alcohol Research & Health.
H. Swartzwelder,et al.
Alcohol’s Effects on the Adolescent Brain
Alcohol Research & Health.
Alcoolisation au koutoukou en Côte d'Ivoire : Constat et propositions
J. Hamon,et al.
Traitement uniforme de l'information sensorimotrice et perturbation des processus d'appariement non appariement chez l'homme sous imprégnation chronique à l'alcool de palme
Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology.
G. Schwarz.
Estimating the Dimension of a Model