Computation of the flow in a ventilated room using non‐linear RANS, LES and hybrid RANS/LES

The isothermal flow in an empty ventilated room is computed. Performances of linear and non-linear RANS, LES and a hybrid RANS/LES (LNS) models are compared. When compared to linear equivalents, the non-linear RANS models are found to modestly improve predicted velocities and Reynolds stresses. Generally, best agreement is found between measurements and LES. Also, the LNS appears a promising model, giving the best velocity agreement and overall good agreement with measured Reynolds stresses. However, the method has the potential for LES zones to occur downstream of RANS zones. This gives rise to poor LES boundary conditions. Hence the current LNS results could be fortuitous. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.