From Federal Preemption Politics to Regional Transmission Planning and Policy Integration

The first section of this article introduces transmission expansion needs and provides the recent historical context, including differences between stakeholders’ understanding of the purpose for transmission planning.The second section discusses the era of preemption politics and major proposals to override local and state authority — "Alexandrian" solutions to a Gordian knot problem. Additionally, this section introduces some elements in regard to regional and interconnection-wide planning that were part of preemption proposals, and which not only survived but are now thriving, through ARRA funding and FERC Order 1000.The third section of the article focuses on the blurring of boundaries and new era of transmission planning, as well as the need to develop new planning metrics. The conclusion discusses some of the challenges that must be met to ensure that planning is substantively improved to meet public policy and societal goals. All sections highlight the Western interconnection to provide illustrative examples.