ooSEM (poster session): a process model for object-oriented development in an industrial environment

Applying current object-oriented (OO) methods in an industrial environment is by itself not sufficient for a certification according to the norm EN ISO 9001, which requires the application of a comprehensive process model that includes, among other things, quality assurance. We present ooSEM in this poster, a process model for supporting OO development in an industrial environment based on a meta process model that is consistent with this norm. ooSEM is not a usual OO method but deals primarily with complementary aspects like project management and control, comprehensive documentation, quality assurance and configuration management, as required by EN ISO 9001. So, ooSEM is also flexible with respect to existing OO notations and methods. Specifically for OO modeling, ooSEM provides a clean solution to the problem of the transition from OO analysis to design, which is also the topic of a panel at OOPSLA 2000. ooSEM is available to the software developers in our environment through the company's intranet in the form of a Web application.