Language and literacy development in bilingual settings

Part I: Introduction. Goldenberg, Reese, Rezaei, Contexts for Language and Literacy Development among Dual-Language Learners. Part II: Oral Language and Dual-Language Learners. Marinova-Todd, Uchikoshi, The Role of First Language on Oral Language Development in English: The Case of Both Alphabetic and Nonalphabetic Languages. Brea-Spahn, Silliman, Tuning in to Language-Specific Patterns: Nonword Repetition and the Big Picture of Bilingual Vocabulary Learning. Oller, Jarmulowicz, Pearson, Cobo-Lewis, Rapid Spoken Language Shift in Early Second Language Learning: The Role of Peers and Effects on the First Language. Bialystok, Feng, Language Proficiency and Its Implications for Monolingual and Bilingual Children. Part III: Literacy and Dual-Language Learners. Gottardo, Gu, Mueller, Baciu, Pauchulo, Factors Affecting the Relative Relationships between First- and Second-Language Phonological Awareness and Second Language Reading. Cheung, McBride-Chang, Tong, Learning a Nonalphabetic Script and Its Impact on Later Development of English as a Second Language. Leong, Chinese Language Learners of English Use More Orthographic-Lexical Than Phonological Strategies in English Word Recognition and Spelling. Barletta, Klingner, Orosco, Writing Acquisition among English Language Learners in U.S. Schools. Part IV: Assessment and Diagnosis. Geva, Lafrance, Linguistic and Cognitive Processes in the Development of Spelling in English Language Learners: First-Language Transfer, Language Proficiency, or Cognitive Processes? Manis, Lindsey, Cognitive and Oral Language Contributors to Reading Disabilities in Spanish-English Bilinguals. Joshi, Aaron, Assessment of Literacy Problems among English Language Learners Based on the Component Model. Part V: Conclusion. Hakuta, The Policy Context of Research on Basic Processes in Bilingual Children in the United States.