Use Case Driven Requirements Analysis for Data Warehouse Systems

A comprehensive requirement analysis for data warehouse systems is the starting point for the implementation of an enterprise-wide decision support system. Since data warehouse systems concern many organisational units, the collection of unambiguous, complete, verifiable, consistent and usable requirements can be a very difficult task. Use cases are considered as standard notation for object-oriented requirement modelling. In this paper we show how use case can enhance communication between stakeholders, domain experts, data warehouse designers and other professionals with diverse backgrounds. The paper gives an overview of the easyREMOTEDWH (easy REquirement MOdelling TEchnique for Data WareHouses) approach for the specification of data warehouse requirements. easyREMOTEDWH is based on a use case driven requirements process for data warehouse systems as support for gathering user requirements. We further introduce requirement diagrams as support for the requirements process.