The ratio of the 6Li(n, α) to 10(Bn, α) cross-sections from 10 eV TO 80 keV and recommended values of the 10B(n, α) cross-section

Abstract Vhe ratio of the 6 Li( n , α) to 10 B( n , α) cross-sections has been measured in the energy range 10 eV-80 keV using the Harwell linear accelerator time-of-flight spectrometer. By combining the ratio data with values of the 6 Li( n , α) cross-section deduced from an accurate total cross-section measurement, the 10 B( n , α) cross-section has been obtained. This is compared with the cross-section determined from recent measurements of the total and scattering cross-sections of 10 B. All these data have been fitted by an analytical expression, the form of which has been derived from theoretical arguments, using a least squares fitting procedure and it is found that up to 200 keV, the 10 B( n , α) cross-section σ nα ( 10 ( B ) is given by γ nσ ( 10 B) = 13.837 E −0.312 − 1.014 × 10 −2 E + 2.809×10 3 E [(170.3−E) 2 +2.243 ×10 4 ] barns where E is in keV.