[Integrated imaging of the breast. Use of a hypermedia program and multimedia archives for teaching purposes].

This paper deals with the results obtained with a computerized senology system developed at the Institute of Radiology of "La Sapienza" University in Rome. The system combines a hypermedia program with a multimedia didactic archive integrated with the radiologic information system. These programs have been developed on Macintosh computers: the hypermedia one on a Macintosh IIfx with 160-Mb hard disk and 8-Mb RAM and a Supercard software, the multimedia archive on Macintosh IIvx, IIvi and Quadra 650 units, connected with an Ethernet network to a server Quadra 950 (RAM: 20 Megabytes; optical disk: 1 Giga) and using the 4th Dimension as software. The basics of breast anatomy, radiologic semiology and breast diseases are illustrated with the hypermedia program: such a system has many advantages to teach the basics requiring just a process of learning by heart. The multimedia archive allows to classify a large number of difficult and uncommon clinical cases, according to the ACR code. Thus, it is useful also to teachers to study particular subjects, including anatomical variants and uncommon conditions. In conclusion, we believe these systems to be valuable tools in the formation and update of the physicians devoted to the study of breast diseases.