The Partitioned Preassigned Pivot Procedure $({\text{P}}^4 )$ of Hellerman and Rarick reorders unsymmetric sparse matrices in order to decrease computation and storage requirements when solving sparse systems of linear equations. It is known that the algorithm, when applied to matrices that are not structurally singular, can generate intermediate matrices that are structurally singular, causing a breakdown in the elimination process. In this paper we present the algorithm in a structured, top-down, form and explain several of the problems that may occur. We then define a modification of the algorithm that avoids these difficulties. The revised version of the algorithm will never produce structurally singular intermediate matrices if the original matrix is not structurally singular. Test results with this modified algorithm show that it is as effective as the Markowitz algorithm as a preordering when the block structure of the new algorithm is recognized and used.
H. Markowitz.
The Elimination form of the Inverse and its Application to Linear Programming
Eli Hellerman,et al.
Reinversion with the preassigned pivot procedure
Math. Program..
Robert E. Tarjan,et al.
Depth-First Search and Linear Graph Algorithms
SIAM J. Comput..
T. D. Lin,et al.
Hierarchical partition—a new optimal pivoting algorithm
Math. Program..
John K. Reid,et al.
An Implementation of Tarjan's Algorithm for the Block Triangularization of a Matrix