Dez anos de epidemia do HIV- AIDS em maiores de 60 anos no Distrito Federal - Brasil Ten years of HIV-AIDS epidemic in more than 60 years in Federal District - Brazil

Abstract Introduction: The progressive increase in number of HIV/AIDS cases in old age brings the necessity of studies about the specificities of this phenomenon by region. Objective: To identify the epidemiology in AIDS cases diagnosed in Distrito Federal - Brasil, in individuals aged > 60 years old. Methods: We conducted a time serie study with secondary data from SINAN/AIDS for the period January 1999 to December 2009. Results: In this period, 4,258 new cases of AIDS were of whom 89 (2.0%) are elderly. Although a small percentage, the annual growth was continuous. The most frequent exposure category was heterosexual, the age group most affected was 60 and 69 years, with 71 (79.8%) cases; the propor-tion of cases man/woman has changed over the years, in 1999 was 1:1 and in 2006, 0,7:1. Conclusion: The HIV/AIDS epidemic among the elderly can be seen stable on the Distrito Federal. Keywords: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. AIDS. Aged. Epidemiology. Sexually transmitted diseases. STD.