We built fixed-tuned SIS mixers for use between 70 and 115 GHz on the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association (BIMA) array. The mixers are similar to 215 GHz SIS devices designed by R. Blundell et al. Our 1.4 X 1.4 micrometer Nb/Al-Al2O3/Nb junctions have extremely sharp I-V characteristics, with Rsg/Rn approximately 40, and (omega) RC approximately 2. Heterodyne tests were made with a temperature-regulated vane mounted in the input waveguide to the mixer block. With vane temperatures of 20 and 35 K, we measure double sideband receiver temperatures Trcvr of 17 K from 80 to 115 GHz. Some gain compression occurs for input load temperatures greater than 50 K. Hence, with vane temperatures of 85 and 280 K we measure Trcvr approximately 35 K. Similar noise temperatures are measured with 77 and 295 K loads mounted outside the dewar. Because the mixers are partially saturated, we bias the junctions approximately 0.1 mV above or below the gain maximum, where the receiver response is a nearly linear function of the input signal level. This yields Trcvr of 35 - 40 K and makes it possible to calibrate the receivers on the telescopes using the standard chopper wheel method. With no LO power applied to the mixer, we observe a small IF signal which is proportional to the square of the input load temperature; we believe this is due to self-mixing of blackbody photons in the junction.
Cheuk-Yu Edward Tong,et al.
Design and characterization of a 250-350-GHz fixed-tuned superconductor-insulator-superconductor receiver
R. W. Haas,et al.
Absolute calibration of millimeter-wavelength spectral lines
Paul L. Richards,et al.
Analytic solutions to superconductor‐insulator‐superconductor quantum mixer theory
M. J. Feldman,et al.
Saturation of the SIS direct detector and the SIS mixer
R. Plambeck,et al.
Long-term performance of 4 K Gifford-McMahon refrigerators on the BIMA array
Raymond Blundell,et al.
A wideband fixed-tuned SIS receiver for 200-GHz operation
Marc J. Feldman,et al.
Quantum detection at millimeter wavelengths